Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Our Breakup...July 19th 2005

On July 19th 2005 which is exactly 1 month after my Dear Dear's Birthday, We Quarrel and breakup! I know that i'm in wrong and i hurt her too deep. I know that even i regreted is no use. I love her a lot which i promised her that we will never be seperated. But all this is just a Dream! After all we breakup and she is not returning to me. I really hope for her returning.
But after she have entered into U. I can feel her changes as i'm the closest to her and she's my Dear. Although not a big change but i can feel it. It's hurting to me to see that she is leaving me for her own happiness although i know that i have hurt her too much. All i hope is just her returning as i really treasure and cherish our relationship which i'm really willing to change for her. Just only her... I know that i'm a guy who is passionate and also possesive. But i really don't mean to hurt you Dear! You know that i love u more than anything. It's only that at times i'm playful and did not care about your feelings. I'm sorry Dear...I really hope that you can come back to me...

I have done a lot for you after we have breakups. You should know that if i don't treasure our relationship or feel "bored" for our relationship, i won't have do all this for you... I really hoping and willing to wait for your returning although you have make it very clear that your heart for me is dead. I will still wait for you Dear. 1 year, 2 years, 3 years or even 6 years, 10 years. I will be there for you... Waiting alone just to get back to you Dear... To give you the hugs when you need one, to give you the joy when you feel lonely and to give you everything that you want just because i love you truefully...


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